7 Key Changes to Australia Migration: What You Need to Know from 1st July 2023

There are some exciting, important changes in Australia migration starting July 1, 2023. These are improved Work and Holiday Makers arrangements to longer stays for select qualification holders. These updates are designed to make the process easier, create new opportunities, and strengthen Australia’s workforce.

Whether you plan to Australia immigration or consider it, staying informed about these changes to Australia migration is vital. Let’s explore the key updates that could impact your migration plans.

7 Exciting Changes to Australia Migration from July 1st, 2023

  1. Skilled Migration Income Threshold Raised

The threshold for temporary skilled migration income has been raised to $70,000. It was introduced for the first time in 2009. Later it was undergone for annual indexation till 2013. All the changes ensure that skilled migrant workers have enough financial resources to support themselves in Australia.

  1. Exciting Opportunities for Work & Holiday Makers

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has joined the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) Program. This means that up to 100 citizens of PNG can now explore Australia using the Work and Holiday visa. The age limit for UK citizens for the Working Holiday visa has been extended from 30 to 35 years old. 

The next WHM program says that the participants of the WHM Program must adhere to Condition 8547. This condition ensures that individuals holding either a Subclass 417 or Subclass 462 visa do not work with a single employer for more than six months. It’s important to note that this change does not apply retrospectively, so any work done prior to July will not count towards the six-month limit.

  1. Changes to Australian Visa Fees!

In line with the latest changes to Australia immigration news, visa application charges (VACs) have been adjusted to match the projected CPI for 2023-24. There is a 6% increase above CPI, although some visas are exempted. 

Check out these popular subclasses of Australia immigration latest updates for a quick overview:

Visa TypeSubclassBeforeFrom 1st July 2023
Partner visa (Onshore / Offshore)820/801 & 309/100$8,085$8,850
Skilled visas189 / 190 / 491$4,240$4,640
Visitor (Onshore)600$380$475
Visitor (Offshore)600$150$190
Working Holiday Maker417 / 462$510$635
Temporary Skill Shortage (Short Term)482$1,330$1,445
Temporary Skill Shortage (long Term)482$2,770$3035
Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)186$4,240$4,640
Significant Investor stream188$9,195$13,860
Significant Entrepreneur stream188$4,240$6,395
All other applicants188$6,270$9,450
  1. An easy path to Australian Citizenship for New Zealanders

The complicated Subclass 189 (Skilled – Independent) visa is completely inactive. That means starting from 1 July 2023, New Zealand citizens who have been living in Australia for four years or more will be able to apply for Australian citizenship directly without the need for a permanent visa. 

Partners and dependents can still join your application. However, non-New Zealand citizen family members will need sponsorship from the new Australian citizen to gain permanent residence in Australia.

  1. New Work Restrictions for Student Visa Holders

Starting July 1, 2023, student visa holders will now have limited work hours of 48 hours in 15 days. This change aims to allow students to focus on their studies while allowing them valuable work experience to help Australia’s workforce.

There is one exception to this rule. Student visa holders who were already working in the aged care sector by May 9, 2023, and continue to work in that sector are allowed to work without any restrictions until December 31, 2023.

  1. Extended Stay for Subclass 485 Visa Holders

For those international students completing eligible qualifications in areas like science, medicine, healthcare, engineering, and technology, starting from 1 July 2023, their post-study stay in Australia can be extended even longer.

Here’s the breakdown of the new duration of stay:

  • Bachelor degree holders: stay can increase from two years to four years.
  • Masters degree holders: stay can increase from three years to five years.
  • Doctoral degree holders: stay can increase from four years to six years.

If the students are in a regional area, their existing regional settings will still be maintained. They may even be granted an additional two years on top of the extended stay.

From the beginning of 1 July 2023, if applicants meet the initial Temporary Graduate visa requirements, they will receive an extra two years beyond the standard visa duration.

If they have studied and lived in regional Australia, they can receive an additional two years on top of the extended stay. If you haven’t already received it with a previous Temporary Graduate visa.

  1. New Visa Requirements for Graduate Work Stream for Occupation & Skills Assessment

If you’re applying for a Graduate Work stream visa after July 1st, 2023, it’s now mandatory to have a qualification that matches an occupation on the MLTSSL list. On top of that, you’ll need to undergo a skills assessment in your chosen field. This requirement was waived temporarily between July 1st, 2022, and June 30th, 2023. 


The Change to Australia Migration’s main reason is to make the process easier for skilled migration who want to move to Australia. Please feel free to get in touch with Federpath Consultants or schedule a consultation if you’re interested in talking about your visa possibilities.


  1. What are the latest changes in Australian immigration in 2023?

The latest changes in Australian immigration in 2023 has not been officially announced yet. But some predictions are being made. One possibility is that the government may introduce new visa pathways for skilled workers who have experience in specific industries. Another rumor suggests there may be changes to the way family visas are handled. Regardless of what may come, it’s clear that navigating Australian immigration will continue to require attention and care.

  1. What are the new rules for international students in Australia 2023?

Starting from July 1, 2023, qualified international higher education graduates will enjoy an amazing extension of two years for post-study work rights. The details are still being finalized. But these new regulations aim to tackle crucial concerns like housing expenses, part-time job prospects, and healthcare accessibility. 

  1. Which state is easy to get PR in Australia?

Among all the states of Australia, Tasmania is often praised for its accessibility and migrant-friendly policies. Tasmania offers numerous pathways for permanent residency, making it an attractive option for those wishing to settle in Australia. Tasmania may be the ideal choice for those seeking a smoother PR application process.

  1. What is the fastest way to get PR in Australia?

One of the fastest ways to get PR in Australia is through the Skilled visa program. This is one of Australia immigration latest updates. It is designed to attract skilled migrants to Australia by offering them the opportunity to apply for PR based on their occupation and work experience. 

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